
Only 800+ emails to download this morning. Lots of SirCam attachments to disinfect and deduce the owner’s real identity. Another 200+ instances of computers looking at mine without permission over the weekend (reinstalled ZoneAlarm since Tiny Firewall let everything through unless I told it not to allow it).

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Funny… Someone sends me an email asking about how to hack Hotmail. Being the friendly guy that I am (don’t laugh) I send that to Hotmail’s abuse address. Hotmail sends me 2 automated messages. The first lets me know that they received my message and it had certain key words which they give me info cooncerning common issues with those keywords. The second lets me know that since I sent it from a non-Hotmail account, they really can’t do anything.

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Really like HitMatic‘s Loyalty Indicators. You can see how many visitors come back in a variety of ranges… first, second, third, fourth-fifth, sixth-tenth, etc. Another chart has the frequency of the return visits.

So to get all the stats you want without doing your own programming you really need multiple hit trackers, huh?

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