Security Day

SecurityWatch has an interesting article discussing a new virus which looks for filenames which might contain kiddie porn. Once it identifies a file that may contain it, the file and email address are emailed to a government agency. Read the article.

Another article discusses a bill circulating the House which would allow ISPs to sue spammers. Companies are concerned that their access to consumers would be limited. Of course, I think companies should be limited in their access to consumers just like telephone marketers are limited.

Found something new to be interested in and research more information concerning:


or more simply the art of transporting data within another medium. So like in Along Came A Spider one might send a note to a friend encrypted inside a picture (or audio file). Some links?

Do you view hackers as the pasty faced 15 year old male who could make 1600 on the SAT with a 107 fever? We’ve seen that stereotype has been debunked. Sarah Gordon might debunk the stereotype that hackers are the Darth Vaders of society. They may actually understand the rules of society, but not actually understand that they should be applied to those on the other side of the screen.

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