- 08:57 I was feeling empty… Then I realized it was because my Twitter and Pownce desktop clients were not running. So much better… #
- 11:16 Post on metrics was buzzing in my head. Finally posted it…. www.ezrasf.com/wplog/archives/500 #
- 12:44 @sherryneal Is MT still a timesink? With Dreamhost one-click installs I've installed 3 WP blogs and upgraded those a dozen each w/o issue. #
- 12:44 @skodai Explain… #
- 14:20 Done with the lc & hardware mtg with UGA. Up in 10 Blackboard "black hole" Support check-in call. This not the update you seek… #
- 14:52 @skodai At least you know you are not alone.
- 16:09 @dgcombs Sacrilege!! #
- 17:09 Researching Oracle computes, rollup, etc. #
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